4-9 February 2024 - Lunar New Year Fair Stalls


Since October 2023, we, a group of S5 BAFS and Economics students, alongside our talented designers as well as our recruited helpers from different forms, have been diligently preparing for the Lunar New Year fair. From successfully securing the booth through a bidding process to meticulously designing our products, from the actual setup to the operation of our store, reflecting upon our progress, we recognise how valuable this experience has been and how each step of the way has contributed to our growth and learning, assisting us in fostering skills that will help us in our future endeavors.


Throughout the process, we were met with a fair share of obstacles. Yet the challenges we faced served as lessons, teaching us the importance of maintaining composure and finding solutions on the go. For instance, we initially purchased an inventory of around 100 cushions, only to realise the overwhelming demand that led to approximately 60% of our stock being sold on the first day of the fair. To cope with the demand, we attempted to contact our manufacturer, simply to discover that they were on a break until after the fair period. Undeterred, we decided to accept pre-orders exclusively from our college students, strategically allowing us to preserve our remaining stocks for customers outside of our college community. Experiences like these reminded us of the power of teamwork and how as a team, we can overcome any obstacles that are thrown our way.


We believe we speak for all when we say it has been an unimaginable experience that has surpassed all of our expectations. As former fair-goers in our childhood, this year, we find ourselves in the position of running our own store and we are absolutely thrilled to be experiencing this once-in-a-lifetime moment alongside our closest friends. It truly feels like we are living the teenage dream.


S5A (23) Wan Man Nok Charlotte - Chief Executive Officer of Bæau

S5A (27) Wu Rachel - Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Bæau

4 - 9 February 2024 - Lunar New Year Fair Stalls4 - 9 February 2024 - Lunar New Year Fair Stalls4 - 9 February 2024 - Lunar New Year Fair Stalls4 - 9 February 2024 - Lunar New Year Fair Stalls4 - 9 February 2024 - Lunar New Year Fair Stalls4 - 9 February 2024 - Lunar New Year Fair Stalls4 - 9 February 2024 - Lunar New Year Fair Stalls