25-27 March 2024 - S2 Excursion Week


From the 25th to 27th of March , all S2 students enjoyed the wonders of Excursion Week, a valuable educational experience that led them to extend their learning journey beyond the classroom through activities organized by the Adventure-Based-Program-Education Committee.


On the first day, S2 students embarked on an adventure to High Island, an island with an abundant biodiversity, diverse geological wonders and long standing culture. Students actively participated in three activities, including a mudflat survey, a Geo boat tour and a Hakka and Fisherman cultural experience. While enjoying the trip with their beloved peers, students asked the tour guides meaningful questions, enjoying the compelling environment and jotting down their valuable insights along the trip.


The next day, S2 students were divided into groups to showcase their survival skills at Lau Fau Shan  - Forest Academy. In the morning, students produced a scrumptious lunch with ingredients hand-picked by themselves. Later, students were challenged on more advanced survival skills, through raft-building and racing, hunting simulation with hand sharpened arrows and exploring the evolution of fire lighting by utilizing different tools.


Overall, the excursion may be tiring for some, but was definitely a thrilling educational experience for all. It not only allowed students to utilize their self care and academic skills, but also encouraged students to step out of their comfort zones through authentic learning, creating remarkable memories in their middle school life.


S2A Nicole Ma

25 - 27 March 2024 - S2 Excursion Week25 - 27 March 2024 - S2 Excursion Week25 - 27 March 2024 - S2 Excursion Week25 - 27 March 2024 - S2 Excursion Week25 - 27 March 2024 - S2 Excursion Week25 - 27 March 2024 - S2 Excursion Week25 - 27 March 2024 - S2 Excursion Week25 - 27 March 2024 - S2 Excursion Week25 - 27 March 2024 - S2 Excursion Week25 - 27 March 2024 - S2 Excursion Week25 - 27 March 2024 - S2 Excursion Week25 - 27 March 2024 - S2 Excursion Week