2021年11月24及25日 - Visit to the Sports Department of two Universities


24/11/2021 - The Education University of Hong Kong

25/11/2021 - The Chinese University of Hong Kong


We were honored to be given the opportunity to visit the Education University of Hong Kong and the Chinese University of Hong Kong. We feel immensely grateful to the school and Miss Esther Li for organizing the bustling activities and providing this memorable experience for our PE students. 


Normally, we learn from books and videos shown in class. We seldom have the chance to go on school tours, therefore this was a very special and personal experience for us.


We would like to express our gratitude for the support and sharing sessions conducted by Dr. Louie Hung Tak Lobo, Associate Head of Department and Dr Gary Chow, Assistant Professor from The Education University of Hong Kong, and Professor Sum, Associate Dean from the Faculty of Education of The Chinese University of Hong Kong. It was an invaluable opportunity to broaden the horizon of the current S6 PE students who are passionate about sports science.


At the Education University of Hong Kong, we listened to the sharing from both Dr. Lobo Louie and Dr. Chow about the programs and numerous sports teams that were offered at the university. We also had a chance to visit their library which was equipped with advanced technology, for example, an electrical bookshelf and a 360-degree projector.


When we were at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, we listened to the sharing from Professor Sum about some sports history of their school. We even had a chance to go and visit their students who were having PE lessons at the sports ground. We were shocked by the standard-sized sports ground because we realised it was just the tip of the iceberg. The campus provides a lot more sports facilities on the campus.


We hope that there will be similar activities for students in the future because it is a very good opportunity to explore outside the walls of the classroom and it will definitely be an eye-opening experience for students.


Keith Lee S6BC

2021年11月24及25日 - Visit to the Sports Department of two Universities2021年11月24及25日 - Visit to the Sports Department of two Universities2021年11月24及25日 - Visit to the Sports Department of two Universities2021年11月24及25日 - Visit to the Sports Department of two Universities2021年11月24及25日 - Visit to the Sports Department of two Universities2021年11月24及25日 - Visit to the Sports Department of two Universities2021年11月24及25日 - Visit to the Sports Department of two Universities2021年11月24及25日 - Visit to the Sports Department of two Universities