11 December 2019 - Why Medicine @ CUHK?


Chinese University of Hong Kong is a prestigious institution known for its faculty of medicine that works to train outstanding talents in the medical profession. The faculty has been ranked as one of the top 50 medical schools in the world.


In order to facilitate our students’ career and future learning progress, we were honored to have Professor Vincent Mok of the Department of Medicine and Therapeutics as our guest speaker to tell us more about the admission.


He emphasized that CUHK treasures independent and all-rounded learners and provides flexible and personalized curriculum for students. Indeed, there is a personalized “Intercalated Year” for you to study abroad or to have in-depth inter-disciplinary studies. This international experience can broaden students’ horizons and allow them to better explore their interests.


Professor Mok invited Rina and Colin, who are our senior alumni currently studying at CUHK Medicine. CUHK has a special college system, with student-led bonding activities like camping and music performances, allowing students to build a closer relationship. They shared with us their college lives and how they adapted to the new university environment.


This sharing was definitely enriching, and it was inspiring to hear first-hand from the students studying there. The students in attendance learned a lot more about the Faculty of Medicine at CUHK and gained a better understanding of how to plan for their future.

Chan Oi Ching Esther (S5LN)

Why Medicine @ CUHK?Why Medicine @ CUHK?Why Medicine @ CUHK?Why Medicine @ CUHK?Why Medicine @ CUHK?Why Medicine @ CUHK?Why Medicine @ CUHK?Why Medicine @ CUHK?Why Medicine @ CUHK?