
“We want to make them proud to be a “Suukyi-an!”
Kyla Lam of S4CY, Suukyi House Captain 2019-20


“We can rely on one another like a ‘family’!”
Charlotte Cheng of S4, Laozi House Captain 2019-20



Every student is as vibrant and talented as the six House colours. The House system allows students to unleash their potential by joining and organizing various competitions and activities. Every student is attached to a House. During sports competitions and academic contests, students compete on behalf of their House to achieve the grand slam of House Championship. Students bond together as a team and learn to appreciate different House members’ strengths. At the same time, students are given the opportunity to realize their goals and collaborate with students of different year levels in events such as House Orientation Day and Sports Day.

The six Houses are named after leaders around the globe, namely, Austen, Copland, Gandhi, Laozi, Newton and Suukyi. While Austen is known for her aesthetic literary writing, Laozi is a famous Chinese philosopher. Each leader possesses a wide range of strengths and is a role model for our students to look up to. It is our aim to guide our students according to the qualities the House Masters have.


Under the current system, House Captains and Vice House Captains are elected by students in the annual House Election Day. All potential candidates deliver a speech in the Big House Meeting and work on a campaign to rally support from the members. House Captains also decide the committee members list and propose it to teachers.

Highlights of House Events

SeptemberHouse Orientation Day
OctoberInauguration Ceremony
Big House Meeting
Kingball Match
NovemberGratitude Week
Sports Day
English Week Contest
DecemberBonding Month (Student-led event)
FebruaryMid-year Evaluation
Basketball Competition
STEM Week Competition
MarchBusiness and Economics Quiz
Table Tennis Competition
AprilHouse Election Day
Dance Competition
Volleyball Competition
MaySwimming Gala
Liberal Studies Competition
July/AugustPreparation of the new academic year
Formation of House Committee