My Personal Path

1. Guiding Principle
In the belief that all students should have the right to equal learning opportunities, the mission of the Inclusive and Gifted Education Committee (IGE) is to provide support in various aspects of schooling with a whole school approach, so as to assist our students to make the most out of their learning pathways with others depending on their interests, special needs* and abilities.
At the same time, we believe that the identification of gifted students is an ongoing process using multiple criteria, such as academic and non-academic performance, and awards and experiences in certain specific domains of learning and ability, for which it is aimed to link and provide the students with appropriate learning experiences.
2. Our Support Along The Way
B1. Before Joining Us | B2. Begin the Journey |
B3. Big Challenge Ahead (HKDSE) | B4. Beyond School |

3. Our Extra Support to Reach Higher
Opportunities are all around both within school and beyond for students to discover where they can shine with their interests and abilities. Through both teacher and self nomination processes, students explore enrichment opportunities from various organizations, including, but not limited to the following (subject to availability):
- HKUST Dual Program
- HKAGE Nomination
- Web-based Online Courses (HKAGE/EDB)
- CUHK Gifted & Talented Program
- Physics in Motion @ Ocean Park
- Roche Young Scientist Award
- HKU Academy for the Talented
- Enrichment Program for Gifted Learners, HKUST
- Science Academy for Young Talent, CUHK
- Programme for Creativity and Talent Development, HKU
- Enrichment Program for Gifted Learners, HKUST
- Asian Science Camp (via HKAGE)
Regular invitations and nominations will be posted to relevant forms for application and selection. In house programs on various topics such as affective education and tangible skills are offered at times by our committee and/or educational psychologist.
Individual consultation and plans are discussed for other catering and/or acceleration based on the level of confidence, performance of existing curriculum requirements and psychologist’s suggestions if necessary.
4. Programme Nomination - Selection Criteria
At times there may be limited quotas available for certain gifted programmes. In such cases, applicants would be selected based on the criteria below:
- Academic Performance
- External Awards / Certificates
- Professional Reports
- Experience / Participation in gifted programmes
- Previous recommendations / applications for other gifted programmes
- Others
In general, priority will be given to a) senior forms, b) first time application and c) students on waiting lists from previous rounds of application. Special cases will be considered based on the actual needs and level of motivation / interests student has shown previously.
5. Reporting to School - Privacy and Confidentiality
We respect and follow duly the Data Protection Ordinance and treat all cases received with strict privacy and confidentiality. Parent consent will be obtained before disclosure and referral and we treasure all communication opportunities with students and parents for the trust and confidence they put in us.
To find out more, do contact the Head of Inclusive and Gifted Education for further enquiries.
*According to "Operation Guide on The Whole School Approach to Integrated Education" (EDB, Aug 2008), students with special educational needs (SEN) include:
- Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLd) (Dyslexia)
- Intellectual Disability
- Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
- Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorders (AD/HD)
- Visual Impairment (VI)
- Hearing Impairment (HI)
- Physical Disability (PD)
- Speech and Language Impairment (SLI)
- Mental Illness (MI)
We also support students with emotional & behavioural difficulties (e.g. suspected ASD and anxiety problems), with psychiatric problems (e.g. psychosis and depression) and students who are gifted/talented.