12 - 13 September 2024 - Geography Field Trip

12 - 13 Sep 2024

On 12-13 September, S5 Geography students went on a 2-day-1-night field trip to Tsuen Wan and Yuen Long to explore coastal and industrial studies. This trip allowed us to apply our knowledge and skills in real-life situations.


On the first day, we went to Lido Beach to measure the coastal gradient and explore the mechanism of longshore drift. We had the opportunity to use different tools to collect data such as ranging poles, abney level and swingometer. We analysed the data with different forms of diagrams to find answers to our hypothesis and enquiry questions.


Moreover, we attended an astronomy workshop, investigating meanings behind astrological signs and looking for stars through telescopes with different magnifications. We were lucky enough to have a clear view of the Summer Triangle and the bright North Star. 


On the second day, we did fieldwork around Tung Tau Industrial Area and Yuen Long INNOPARK, investigating the locational advantages for the development of different types of industries. We discovered many special characteristics that could only benefit the industries located there. Furthermore, we measured the noise level and dust particulate level to prove our hypotheses and study errors in our collected data.


Students gained a lot of first-hand experiences and knowledge and also created long-lasting memories with one another. This trip broadened our horizons and enriched our fieldwork and analysis skills. Lastly, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to Ms. Ho and Mr. Tsang for arranging this fulfilling field trip and taking care of us!


S5H Ankie Chan

Geography Field TripGeography Field TripGeography Field TripGeography Field TripGeography Field TripGeography Field Trip