2023 HKDSE Results (last update: 16th Aug 2023)
Congratulations to all of our S6 students for their achievements in the HKDSE Examination 2023.
We are very proud of our overall achievements this year. We have achieved new record highs for the followings:
- Chinese Language: Level 3 or above – 92%
- Core subject 3322 or above: 91.5%
- Overall level 5 or above: 51.9%
- Overall level 5* or above: 28.1%
In addition, we are thrilled to announce that two of our students have received unconditional offers from Peking University. We are also proud to share that one of our students has met the conditional offer from St. Edmund Hall College, Oxford University, for their Law Programme.
Please click here for the results summary.