16 March 2020 - Coronavirus: Hong Kong students adapt to online learning amid class suspension over pandemic

For 12-year-old Kaitlyn Yu Ching, staying home for online learning over the past month did not make much difference from face-to-face lessons, as live-streamed classes were conducted following a strict timetable every week, even for physical education and music.


The Form One student has been taking seven online lessons a day via videoconferencing, between 8.40am and 3.45pm Monday to Friday, since her school suspended on-campus classes in early February.


Yu, who studies at HKUGA College in Wong Chuk Hang, said she had been keeping up with learning progress, while also remaining in touch with classmates and friends through social media.


“When I first heard physical education lessons would be held online, I had some questions. But it turned out quite good. I can keep healthy now doing exercises, even while staying at home,” she said, adding she did not find much difference between learning online or in-class for other subjects as well.


About 900,000 kindergarten, primary, and secondary students have been put out of their schools from February 3 after the Lunar New Year holiday until at least April 20 amid the coronavirus pandemic, with most of them resorting to online learning at home.


The biggest online learning experience for students so far in Hong Kong has been progressing steadily, according to teachers and principals, as parents and students have begun to adapt to new technology.


Coronavirus: Hong Kong students adapt to online learning amid class suspension over pandemic (South China Morning Post)