3 October 2019 – Inauguration Ceremony of Student Leaders


HKUGA College held its inauguration ceremony of student leaders on Thursday, 3 October. The annual event holds significance, as it officially induces the newly appointed or elected leaders of the student body. The school arranged several speeches to encourage the student leaders before they formally assumed their posts.


The ceremony began with talks given by the outgoing student leaders from the Student Council and Prefect Team. The former Student Council president, Emily Lai, shared her experience as the head of her team. She confessed that it had been a challenge - to cope with the intense schedule while balancing her studies. Nonetheless, she sent words of encouragement to remind the future leaders how they could always look to preceding leaders for support. The former Head Prefect, Yan Tse, expressed her sincere gratitude to the teachers who provided assistance throughout the year.


In recognition of the efforts made by teachers-in-charge, there was a display of gratitude. The outgoing student leaders presented gifts as a token of appreciation.


The session was followed by a speech given by our principal, Ms Corina Chen. Ms Chen placed emphasis on the obligations of a student leader. In light of the current social status, she prompted the leaders to embrace diversity in our community and respect each other. Ms Chen also stressed the importance of teamwork in order to encourage unity amongst the entire student body.


The upcoming leaders received their badges from the principal after her speech. “Leadership is not a path to privilege, but a responsibility and a sincere desire to serve.” Acknowledging the challenges they might face, the students confidently read aloud the pledge and promised to serve the school under all circumstances. The ceremony was wrapped up with words of gratefulness.

Samuel Tam (S4CL)

 Inauguration Ceremony of Student Leaders Inauguration Ceremony of Student Leaders Inauguration Ceremony of Student Leaders Inauguration Ceremony of Student Leaders Inauguration Ceremony of Student Leaders